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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bangalore: Student dies after fight over TV remote

Bangalore: There is a controversy over the death of a student from Manipur at Bangalore's Acharya Institute of Architecture on April 17. Richard Loitam died of a cerebral haemorrhage in his sleep hours after he got into a brawl with a fellow student over the remote control while watching an IPL match.
He had reportedly been punched in the head by a fellow hostelmate after a brawl over the TV remote just hours before he died. Despite massive bleeding his roommates claim they heard nothing. The authorities were not alerted until the next day.
Richard Loitam's friend Syed Raza said, "He had a fight and
got a punch on his face, cut on his head, went to sleep and never woke up."
Richard's family has charged the institute of negligence. His mother, a doctor herself, has some tough questions for the hostel authorities.
Richard's mother Dr RK Vidyabali Devi said, "My son was badly injured, which is proved by the photograph. It is not possible to climb the double decker hostel bed on his own. He was so badly injured, he must have cried out for help. Where were his roommates? The warden in his FIR said that they had a quarrel at 8 pm. At 10:30 pm he went back to his room. From 8 pm to 10:30 pm, what were the college authorities doing? Why didn't they take him to hospital immediately?"
More forensic reports are awaited. The institute has denied any wrong doing.
Acharya Institute of Architecture Dean Vasanth said, "There was a brawl, we have no reason to cover up this. It is a case where one of our students has suffered, we too want justice to be delivered."
But for Richard's family, the loss is irreparable.

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