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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Pakistan releases Indian Army chopper, crew returns safely

ISLAMABAD/NEW DELHI: The Army chopper that strayed into Pakistan-occupied Kashmir and was forced to land by Pakistani military, has been released and has returned to India.
The Cheetah helicopter with four officers on board returned to Kargil in Jammu and Kashmir around 6pm, ending an inadvertent intrusion that immediately triggered urgent talks between the two foreign and military establishments.

The chopper landed safety in India, Virendra Singh, the army's assistant public relations officer, said.

Indian military officials earlier said that pilot error forced the chopper to stray across the Line of Control (LoC) that
divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan.

The helicopter carried two pilots, a junior commissioned officer and an engineer officer.

It had taken off from Leh in Jammu and Kashmir's Ladakh region and was bound for Bhimbhat in Drass sector near Kargil, on the LoC, to bail out an Indian Army helicopter that got grounded there after a snag.

Pakistani officials said the helicopter, which had taken off at around 1pm, was forced to land in Skardu sector in Pakistani administered Kashmir for violating the country's airspace.
The four-member crew were taken into "military custody" after Pakistan Army alleged that the chopper had violated its's airspace in the Kargil sector.

Pakistan's chief military spokesman Maj Gen Athar Abbas had said the Indian personnel were questioned about the incident.

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